1949: The Founding of SWAROVSKI OPTIK
To be closer to the stars
In 1935, Wilhelm Swarovski, son of the original founder, was 17 years of age. Already an avid hobby astronomer, Wilhelm’s passion “to be closer to the stars", as he himself described it, awakened his ambition to build his own, improved binocular. With access to the specialized glass production and finishing technologies already used to manufacture jewelry stones in his father’s factory, Wilhelm managed to develop a novel prism fabrication and grinding process that he applied in constructing his first 6x30 binocular. Wilhelm went on to found SWAROVSKI OPTIK KG in Absam, Tyrol, in 1949 thus laying the foundation stone for a sport optics company with a global reputation. Wilhelm was closely connected with SWAROVSKI OPTIK throughout his life. In 1957, at the age of 69, he initiated the establishment of a regional vocational school for precision opticians and optometrists with an attached boarding school in Hall, where students from 7 federal states were taught. After a fulfilling life, Wilhelm died in Merano on April 2, 1962 at the age of 75.

威廉(Wilhelm)是丹尼尔·施华洛世奇(Daniel Swarovski)的长子,他对自然科学充满热情,像父亲一样热衷于实验。那么,是什么让他产生了制造双筒望远镜的想法,并最终在阿巴森创建了施华洛世奇光学公司?

自古以来,人们都渴望清楚地看到肉眼看不到的事物以及那些遥远的地方。很大程度上,正是由于对恒星和行星的迷恋,才带来了古代数学和几何学的发展。在现代早期,这些原理被应用于第一台望远镜所使用的透镜系统。最引人注目的是由意大利天文学家伽利略·伽利莱(Galileo Galilei)和奥地利天文学家约翰尼斯·开普勒(Johannes Kepler)共同建造的第一个简单的透镜系统。如今,双目光学设备仍然以开普勒1611年的发明为基础。这种仪器经常仅仅被看作是一台方便的日用设备,它诞生于人类的摘星之志,事实上使得人类想拥有媲美上帝的远见力的古老梦想成为现实。

奥地利人的创业历史同样始于1895年,当时在发明了世界上第一台用于加工宝石的电动研磨机后,丹尼尔·施华洛世奇(Daniel Swarovski)在蒂罗尔州创办了这家家族企业。在随后的岁月里,随着最初的企业不断扩展到其他业务领域,施华洛世奇的名字成为全世界最清澈的水晶、精密研磨和卓越创新精神的代名词。如今, 施华洛世奇集团 旗下各公司为全世界提供抛光宝石和水晶制品、研磨和削切工具以及运动光学产品。尽管产品系列看似多种多样,但是集团旗下的所有公司都秉承同一种精髓,即强大的生产和工程知识,这些知识来自于施华洛世奇家族对更高精度制造工艺标准的不懈追求。