Whistleblower system
The Swarovski Optik Group attaches great importance to acting with integrity. This applies at company level as well as at management and employee level. We comply with applicable laws and regulations as well as internal guidelines. In order to enable managers and employees to behave with integrity and in accordance with the rules, we have issued various internal codes of conduct and guidelines.
With the Whistleblower Directive EU-2019/1937, the European legislator has created a legal framework for drawing attention to wrongdoing of any kind. In Austria, this EU directive was implemented with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG). It obliges companies with more than 50 employees to set up an internal whistleblower system.
We now also have such a system in our company. It is intended to help us to draw attention to irregularities by providing appropriate information so that we can react promptly, restore the legal situation as quickly as possible and avert damage.
All information of this kind will of course be treated confidentially. The identity of persons and data are 100% protected. We process every suspected case impartially and neutrally. Every report received is examined carefully and comprehensively by the Compliance Manager. If the case is valid, it is presented to the Compliance Board and the next steps are agreed. If a breach of the applicable rules is identified, the necessary steps are taken.
What can be reported?
Beyond the subject areas provided for in the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG):
Antitrust law and fair competition
Avoidance of conflicts of interest
Gifts, invitations and benefits
Export control
Protection of information
In the “Other” category, topics can be reported that go beyond the reporting categories specified by the legislator.
How to report in our whistleblower system ?
The following channels have been set up:
1. the whistleblower platform can be accessed via the following link:
Anonymous reports can also be submitted via the whistleblower platform. Further information on the legal background, the process and operating instructions for the system and other information can also be found at the link provided.
2. E-Mail: Information can also be sent by e-mail to compliance@swarovskioptik.com
3. Telephone: Information can also be given by telephone on +43 5223 511-6475.
Contact details:
Risk- and Compliancemanagement
Daniel-Swarovski-Straße 70 6067 Absam, Austria
T +43 5223 511-6475
M +43 664 8555641
Code of Conduct for employees
The code of conduct for employees (Code of Conduct) summarizes the most important standards:
Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Health and Safety at Work
Conflicts of Interest
Relationships with Business Partners
Truthful Communication
Combating Corruption, Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Product Conformity/Material Compliance
Export and Import
Dealing with Company Property
Information Protection
Financial Integrity and Reporting
It also refers to a large number of further guidelines.
Certifications & Compliance Statement
Since its foundation in 1949, SWAROVSKI OPTIK has celebrated high quality awareness as an important pillar of its corporate philosophy. Long before terms such as Kaizen, continuous improvement or lean management were considered helpful management methods, the SWAROVSKI OPTIK team was already committed to optimizing the quality of its products in precisely this sense.

Swarovski Optik
Zarządzanie jakością
Początkowo jakość kojarzono przede wszystkim z zapewnieniem zgodności ze specyfikacją techniczną, co starano się uzyskać poprzez testowanie i kontrolę produktów końcowych.
W pewnym momencie okazało się jednak, że sama jakość produktu nie wystarcza. Aby systematycznie dostosować wszystkie procesy operacyjne do potrzeb i zmieniających się wymagań naszych klientów, kierownictwo firmy zdecydowało się na wdrożenie systemu zarządzania jakością ISO 9001 w 1998 roku. Ten system zarządzania jakością pozwala zagwarantować nie tylko najwyższą jakość produktów, ale także coraz wyższą jakość obsługi klienta.

Swarovski Optik
Health and environment
As is well known, environmental protection starts at home: The wide range of operational activities to protect our environment have been restructured and integrated into the existing framework of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001. This process covers a wide range of measures from the careful use of raw, auxiliary, and working materials as well as supplies to the proper disposal of waste.

Swarovski Optik
Energy management
Energy efficiency was recognized as a key factor to secure the location in Absam. By using state-of-the-art technologies, we are actively contributing to climate protection. Together with selected partners and with the intensive involvement of our employees, we are continually developing innovative solutions to maximize energy efficiency and minimize our
ecological footprint. We are happy to have been certified in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard from 2014.

Swarovski Optik
According to the REACH regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, art. 33, we as a manufacturer are obliged to declare all substances of the candidate list, which our products contain in a concentration of more than 0.1 mass percent.
As a responsible producer, we are happy to comply with this requirement. Please refer to the following list to see the substances and their application.

Swarovski Optik
EC-Declarations of Conformity
Further declarations of conformity
EC-Declaration of Conformity MY Junior
EC-Declaration of Conformity AX Visio
EC-Declaration of Conformity tM35
EC-Declaration of Conformity AFL/AFL+
EC-Declaration of Conformity EL Range
EC-Declaration of Conformity dG
EC-Declaration of Conformity STR
EC-Declaration of Conformity dS
EC-Declaration of Conformity Z8
EC-Declaration of Conformity X5