SWAROVSKI OPTIK is the leading supplier of high-precision sports optics. The binoculars, telescopes, rifle scopes and optronic devices are preferred by demanding users worldwide. The company's success is based on its innovative strength, on the quality and value of its products, and on their functional and aesthetic design. The appreciation of nature is an essential part of the company's philosophy and finds its expression in the exemplary
environmentally friendly production and in a sustainable commitment within the framework of selected nature conservation projects.
Swarovski Optik
Zarządzanie jakością
Początkowo jakość kojarzono przede wszystkim z zapewnieniem zgodności ze specyfikacją techniczną, co starano się uzyskać poprzez testowanie i kontrolę produktów końcowych.
W pewnym momencie okazało się jednak, że sama jakość produktu nie wystarcza. Aby systematycznie dostosować wszystkie procesy operacyjne do potrzeb i zmieniających się wymagań naszych klientów, kierownictwo firmy zdecydowało się na wdrożenie systemu zarządzania jakością ISO 9001 w 1998 roku. Ten system zarządzania jakością pozwala zagwarantować nie tylko najwyższą jakość produktów, ale także coraz wyższą jakość obsługi klienta.
Swarovski Optik
Health and environment
As is well known, environmental protection starts at home: The wide range of operational activities to protect our environment have been restructured and integrated into the existing framework of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 14001. This process covers a wide range of measures from the careful use of raw, auxiliary, and working materials as well as supplies to the proper disposal of waste.
Swarovski Optik
Energy management
Energy efficiency was recognized as a key factor to secure the location in Absam. By using state-of-the-art technologies, we are actively contributing to climate protection. Together with selected partners and with the intensive involvement of our employees, we are continually developing innovative solutions to maximize energy efficiency and minimize our
ecological footprint. We are happy to have been certified in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard from 2014.
Swarovski Optik
According to the REACH regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006, art. 33, we as a manufacturer are obliged to declare all substances of the candidate list, which our products contain in a concentration of more than 0.1 mass percent.
As a responsible producer, we are happy to comply with this requirement. Please refer to the following list to see the substances and their application.
Swarovski Optik
EC-Declarations of Conformity
Further declarations of conformity
EC-Declaration of Conformity MY Junior
EC-Declaration of Conformity AX Visio
EC-Declaration of Conformity tM35
EC-Declaration of Conformity AFL/AFL+
EC-Declaration of Conformity EL Range
EC-Declaration of Conformity dG
EC-Declaration of Conformity STR
EC-Declaration of Conformity dS
EC-Declaration of Conformity Z8
EC-Declaration of Conformity X5