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by Alexis Rousseau

Wild boar burger

!!! Alexis Rousseau - Wildschwein-Burger

Alexis Rousseau, a passionate hunter from France, loves driven hunts. He prefers to serve his hunted wild boar in the form of burgers.


● 2 burger buns
● 2 wild boar burger patties
● 8 potatoes
● 2 slices of cheddar cheese
● 2 slices of Comté cheese
● Parsley
● 1 onion
● 2 shallots
● Mayonnaise
● Lettuce
● Olive oil
● Balsamic vinegar
● Salt
● Pepper
● Paprika

!!! Alexis Rousseau - Wildschwein-Burger


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F), gas mark 6.

2. Quarter the potatoes lengthwise, spread them out over a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle the chopped parsley, paprika, salt, and pepper over them. Bake for 35-40 minutes until the potatoes are golden brown.

3. Chop the onion and shallots and fry them in a pan with a small knob of butter over a medium heat. As soon as they are clear in color, deglaze with the balsamic vinegar and simmer for 10 minutes.

4. Heat another pan with a drizzle of olive oil and then add the two wild boar patties. It’s important to make sure the meat is well-done. As soon as the first side is well-done, turn the patties over and add the slices of cheddar and Comté cheese.

5. Cut the bun into two halves and heat them in the toaster.

6. To serve, place the bottom half of your bun on the plate, cover with a thin layer of mayonnaise, and one or two lettuce leaves. Remove your burger patties from the pan and place them on top. Add the onion-shallot sauce. Cover with the top half of the bun. Arrange the potatoes next to the burger.

Bon Appétit !
!!! Alexis Rousseau - Eine französische Passion: die Drückjagd H/ - Portrait Alexis IMG_9652

About the author:

Alexis Rousseau

My name is Alexis, and I live in France. Hunting has been my great passion ever since I was a child. For me, this great passion encompasses more than just hunting, it’s a real attitude to life that is part of me 365 days a year. I practice different types of hunting depending on the season: stalking in summer from June to August, then the small game season with my small Munsterlander dog from September to October, and then our traditional driven hunts in winter until February. On my driven hunts, I carry a Z8i+ 0.75-6x20. On stalks and at the hide, I rely on the Z8i 2-16x50 with BTF. For observing and accurate measurement of distances, I use the EL O-Range 8x42.

For many years, I’ve been filming my different hunting experiences and sharing them on social networks (Instagram, YouTube). A community of over 150,000 people follows my adventures every day! I try to show this wide audience a modern image of hunting to appeal even to people with no knowledge of this special passion and its values.

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!!! Alexis Rousseau - Eine französische Passion: die Drückjagd H/ - Wildschwein DSC_0236A French passionDriven hunts Tempo di lettura: 4 minuti