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One Planet One Right

SWAROVSKI OPTIK is committed  to care for the environment, protect nature, and preserve biodiversity.

About the author

BirdLife International

is the world’s largest nature conservation partnership, connecting and co-ordinating the work of national conservation organizations in over 100 countries. BirdLife is grateful to SWAROVSKI OPTIK for its ongoing support of our Preventing Extinctions program, in particular becoming a long-term Species Champion and supporting the Sociable Lapwing since 2008 and Canada Warbler since 2013.

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Where there’s a will...

...there’s a way – so the proverb goes. The international response to the COVID-19 pandemic was at first sluggish, and then it was historic: factories ground to a halt and high streets went into hibernation as half the world’s population went into lockdown. It was a staggering, unprecedented response that should spur us all to reconsider what is and isn’t possible when tackling the big, overarching issues that have long been thought unsolvable.

Underreported and yet looming on the horizon is another crisis, one that if we don’t start battening the hatches now, threatens to tear us all asunder.

The biodiversity crisis, which, entwined with the climate crisis, is without a word of hyperbole the greatest threat facing humanity in its future.ALEX DALE

We’ll get to why in a second. But first, let’s clarify exactly what we mean by “biodiversity.” More than a contraction of “biological diversity,” this term covers the entirety of what we know as the natural world including the billions of species on Earth. It also describes the delicately balanced interactions between species that have evolved over time to coexist with one another.

Sunrays through Treetops was created at Iron Hill Park located in Newark Delaware to capture the hazy glow coming through the trees
Biodiversity is important to all aspects of human life. Biodiversity is important to all aspects of human life.

Our planet’s weird, wonderful, and bounteous variety of life is under threat. We are currently living through a sixth mass extinction event: the Anthropocene extinction, the only such event by a living species – humans. Whether through intensive agriculture, overconsumption, or pollution, our activities have caused extinctions on every land mass and in every ocean, many before we have even had a chance to discover the species. Overall, human impact has resulted in an extinction rate between 100–1,000 times that which would normally be expected. Statistics that underpin this come thick and fast; since 1970, the number of animals on the planet has halved. The latest IPBES report indicates that as many as a million species are at risk of disappearing forever, unless we change our damaging habits and move to a more sustainable way of living. But to do so would require a level of international cooperation that was (until very recently) thought impossible.

So why isn’t there the same political will to tackle the biodiversity crisis (and its twin sister, climate change) as there was for the pandemic? ALEX DALE

The answer seems obvious at a surface level: COVID-19 presented a very immediate threat to humanity, whereas the loss of a meadow or a species of frog does not. But this line of thinking only highlights how completely we humans have distanced ourselves from nature. Such detachment can make it difficult to join the dots as to how the fate of other species is entwined with ours

Biodiversity is important to all aspects of human life.

BirdLife International

As a global bird conservation organization

the feedback we sometimes receive from those outside the birding bubble is that conservation is a selfishly human conceit; that saving a Pink Pigeon on a remote island serves no purpose beyond giving birders something pretty to look at. This type of thinking needs to be tackled head-on.

16% of human deaths worldwide are as a result of environmental harm

That’s over nine million a year. Pollution alone is responsible for three times as many deaths globally as AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. And 15 times as many as war and violence. We are humans, yes, but we are also animals. In short, we are biodiversity, and biodiversity is us. We depend on the natural world for our sustenance and sanity, and our poor stewardship of the planet is killing us. In our millions. Not in the future: now. And while nature may have enjoyed the briefest of respites during the COVID-19 lockdown, the UN still warns that we only have ten years left to act before we do irreversible damage to our natural world. But that’s where we differ from other extinction events. A meteor can’t change its course – but we can.

That’s the thought process behind BirdLife International’s latest, and most ambitious campaign – to petition the United Nations to amend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to make the first change since the document was formed in the ashes of World War II: to make access to a healthy natural environment a universal human right.

Far from a publicity stunt or a symbolic gesture, this is the level of action we feel is needed to wake the world’s governments up to the gravity of the situation. Once a human right is ratified through the UN policy machinery, it’s a powerful catalyst for international action, compelling countries to bolster their environmental laws and freeing up resources to assist developing countries, many of whom are the hardest hit by the ills of environmental harm, whether it be through droughts, wildfires, or rising sea levels

The right to a healthy planet, as a universally recognized human right, would be a powerful addition to the toolkit for saving the planet.Dr. David Boyd, United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment

Big problems require big solutions. And what once seemed impossible is now feasible. To achieve recognition from the UN would be a massive leap forward in acknowledging that we are tearing the strands of the web of life that holds this planet together. Beyond saving the one million species, on every continent and every ocean, threatened by our unsustainable habits, it would also restore our connection with the natural world and improve the quality of life for millions. After all, where there’s a will…

What we need to do now is seize this moment of global eco-crisis to secure United Nations recognition of this right so that everyone, everywhere benefits. The human right to a healthy planet, if recognized by all nations, could be the most important human right of the 21st century.Dr. David Boyd
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