Binoculars belong on every adventure, be it to a distant volcano, an exotic island, or when exploring your own back yard.
Few objects evoke a sense of wonder like binoculars. After all, they bring the extraordinary closer and they allow us to view subjects just beyond our reach, allowing travellers and adventurers to sidestep the mundane and access the secrets hidden just beyond. Binoculars speak to our desire for authenticity because they provide us with a viewpoint that is ours alone. They also speak to our longing for connection when we hand them to a travel companion to share the experience. In this way, we engage with the world around us in a manner that is both more personal and also more unique.

You’ll never miss out with the CL Companion. These elegant binoculars with impressive optics fit perfectly in your hand. They are always with you to ensure you make the most of every sighting.

When adventure calls
The distant slopes are full of wildlife. Zoom in.
When does a hobby become a passion? When do weekend trips become weeklong stays in pursuit of something more? When does what we love to do become an expression of who we are, and when do the tools we use for discovery come to define our lifestyles?
When that moment comes in your progression as a traveller, few investments are more worthwhile than binoculars. For their size, nothing you can bring on your journey is more worth its modest weight. Highly portable, lightweight, waterproof and capable of revealing what others haven’t noticed, binoculars let you in on the potential discoveries just beyond the limits of your senses.
CL Pocket
优秀的光学品质、小巧轻便:CL POCKET让您时刻惊叹于大自然的奇迹。

无论您身在何处以及需求为何,无论您是在旅行、外出散步、观光还是远足,CL Pocket口袋系列双筒望远镜都能陪伴左右。凭借极高品质的光学性能以及容易取用的独特设计,它们是您完美的旅行伴侣。高对比度、高锐度和色彩真实的图像让您永远难忘。虽然小,但非常出色。