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The international bird airport at Zwin Nature Park

The international bird airport at Zwin Nature Park, Belgium

Graylag Goose, ZWIN Nature Park, Belgium

The Zwin Nature Park in Belgium is both a visitor park and a nature reserve. Elegantly combining these two elements, the park has the nickname to be an “international bird airport”. Especially during migration season, the many different habitats in the area offer food and rest to countless bird species.

One park – four ST Vista outdoor spotting scopes

When visiting the Zwin Nature Park, you may take a breath-taking journey of discovery, full of surprises assisted by four ST Vista outdoor spotting scopes. Immerse yourself in the moment and experience nature up close.

Het Zwin landscape
Zwin Natuur Park, BelgiumPlover Zwin Natuur Park
ST Vista Zwin Nature Park

ST Vista number 1 and 2

on the Panorama Tower: storks, geese, and ducks

From the panorama tower in the visitor center of the Zwin Nature Park you have a 360° view of the entire Zwin, over 500 hectares of protected fauna and flora. You look out over the most diverse biotopes: dunes, grasslands, forests, mud as well as salt marshes, and – in the distance – even the North Sea. Thanks to the two ST Vista outdoor spotting scopes on the tower, you can stand eye to eye with various occupied stork nests during breeding season. Numerous water birds can be seen throughout the year: all kinds of geese, ducks, and waders. Spoonbills are often also present during summer. The pastures south of the tower are grazed by Konik horses and Scottish Highland cattle.

Zwin Nature Park

Number 3

in the viewing hut: gulls, terns, and waders

From the viewing hut, you look out over the large Zwin water lake and the breeding islands in the middle of the lake. A sublime observation site during the breeding season! Then, hundreds of breeding pairs of various species of gulls, terns, and waders come to breed: black-headed gulls, common terns, little terns, avocets, etc. Also outside the breeding season, there is a lot to see on and around the lake, such as spoonbills, little egret , and various types of waders.

Zwin Natuur Park

Number 4

on the International Dike: waders, little egret, and sea lavender

The International Dike is a place with a wide view over the Zwin plain, the largest swallow and salt marsh area in Belgium. This unique nature reserve under direct influence of the sea is home to special animals and plants - all well adapted to the special biotope on the transition from land to sea. Observe various types of waders and little egret  from the Dike. In summer, parts of the plain show a vivid purple color due to the massive blossoming of sea lavender, a very special salt-tolerant plant.

Natural wonders await
Seeing all these wonderful landscapes, animals, and plants is definitely a fascinating experience. So, plan your next trip to Belgium now and do not miss this sight to behold.

Would you like to turn the vantage point in your park into a true sensation? Then check out the ST Vista for breathtaking viewpoints.

About Zwin Nature Park:

The Zwin Nature Park was founded in 1952 as ‘Het Zwin’ by Count Léon Lippens, making it the first Flemish nature reserve. The Zwin enjoys maximum national and international protection status. In the entire park and in the visitor’s center, you may experience a fascinating world of birds and plants. To our knowledge, the park will reopen on May 1, 2020. So, you can start planning your trip now full of anticipation for when the quarantine will be lifted.