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Bird nests – versatile cradles - Waldohreule by Leander KhilBird nests – versatile cradles - Waldohreule by Leander KhilBird nests – versatile cradles - Waldohreule by Leander Khil

Bird nests

versatile cradles

Lesezeit: 3 min.

You’ll find that there is wildlife right at our doorstep waiting to be explored.

The mini-series #gardenbirding shows you what you can discover close to home. The first clip - Birding at your doorstep – discover the birdlife close to you - introduced the fascination of garden birding in general. The second clip - Birdsong: a free concert with special meaning - explained the meaning of birdsong.

Bird nests – versatile cradles B/ - Mehlschwalbe LK
Bird nests – versatile cradles B/ - Waldohreule 02 LK
Bird nests – versatile cradles B/ - Weißstorch LK

Birds are nesting everywhere. Whether you are looking for birds in the forest or in an urban area, you will find nests all around you – just take a closer look. This third video focusses on nest building - watch the video and find out more:

00:00 / 00:00
Bird nests – versatile cradles - Halsbandschnaepper by Leander Khil

Stay tuned

at #gardenbirding

Coming up: How do birds lay their eggs, breed or raise their offspring? And what could you do to contribute to bird conservation? The following videos will give valuable insights.

Have you ever joined one of our live birding sessions? Tune in via Facebook LIVE on our Birding channel. Join birders across the globe and take a stroll through your fellow nature enthusiasts’ gardens.

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Always hungry – young birds and their (exhausted) parents B/ - Blaumeise Khil2young birds and their (exhausted) parentsAlways hungry Lesezeit: 3 min.