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SWAROVSKI OPTIK Photovoltaik and landscape, corporate footprint  SWAROVSKI OPTIK Photovoltaik and landscape, corporate footprint  SWAROVSKI OPTIK Photovoltaik and landscape, corporate footprint

SWAROVSKI OPTIK shows how to conserve energy resources.

Our energy for tomorrow

As of: July 2024

As a manufacturing company, SWAROVSKI OPTIK relies on natural resources. This brings an enormous responsibility. Efficient use of these resources is an important concern for us. We have introduced a range of measures that are helping us to achieve huge energy savings and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.

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Every day, SWAROVSKI OPTIK works with great passion and energy to produce high-quality products that bring people closer to the preciousness of the moment.
To do this, we need electrical energy too – almost 8,8 GWh per year. This is equivalent to the annual energy consumption of a community of some 5,600 inhabitants. There’s no denying that this a significant volume. It is therefore even more important to ensure our energy comes from responsible sources. Since 2014, all electricity used at SWAROVSKI OPTIK is derived 100 percent from renewable, carbon-free, and non-nuclear sources.

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A sunny home

At our headquarters in Absam in the beautiful region of Tyrol, we enjoy over 2,090 hours of sunshine a year. It is therefore no surprise that solar power is playing an increasingly important role in our company. In 2023/2024, we expanded the photovoltaic system that supplies our inhouse power network. Some 2,200 solar panels covering a surface area of around 3,700 m2 (39,826 ft2) produce 669,000 kWh of electricity. This amount is approximately equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 200 households.

Less is more

Reducing our power consumption is another important focus. We are gradually replacing electrical lights with LED versions in all areas of our company’s premises. LED lighting now illuminates 70 percent of indoor spaces and all parking lots.

We invest in a range of measures each year to increase our energy efficiency – for example, in ventilation systems, compressed air generation, and cooling for machinery and halls. Our machine hall is the first production hall in the world to introduce suspended cooling plates. In comparison with air supply systems, this innovative cooling solution represents a 28 percent saving in electricity. The measures implemented for cooling alone are saving a total of 81 metric tons (89 US tons) of CO2 each year. Thanks to continuous checks and adjustments, we have also been able to progressively reduce the temperature in the heating circulation system. These measures are helping us to save 122 metric tons (133 US tons) of CO2 per year.

Our ambitious aim: to ensure that by 2028, 90 percent of the energy we use is free from fossil fuels.
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Everything revolves around sustainability

As a company engaged in production, which relies on nature’s resources, we focus on ensuring that the cycle is complete in terms of what we give and take. And the ‘cycle’ concept doesn’t stop there. SWAROVSKI OPTIK was the first Austrian company to introduce a special, highly efficient run-around energy recovery system. In simple terms, this channels heat and cold generated during production into the heating and cooling system. The volume of CO2 saved is equivalent to the annual emissions from 85 cars.

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