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!!! Vincent Prétôt - VPR 6524!!! Vincent Prétôt - VPR 6524!!! Vincent Prétôt - VPR 6524

Hunting for food is my way to escape

Vincent Prétôt - Portrait

Tempo di lettura: 4 minuti

I grew up in a hunting family. My grandfather, both of my parents, my brother, and I are all passionate hunters. Thus, venison has always been a big part of the meat consumed at home. Every time we harvested an animal, we would prepare the liver, kidneys, and heart for dinner and enjoy the meal with a glass of wine. On Sundays, my mother and I used to cook elaborate game dishes, like this one.

Sharing the gifts of nature

Since I started hunting at the age of 20, I have stayed true to these traditions. I love to share the gifts of nature with my dear ones. I consider myself neither a meat hunter, nor a trophy hunter. In my eyes, I am a hunter who cherishes the experience of hunting as a whole. I seek to enjoy all aspects of it, from the wild to the table. I hunt mainly in Western Switzerland (state of Neuchâtel), as I live and work there.

Why do I hunt?

For me, hunting is a way to escape. Often, I go into the woods merely for recreation without actually using the rifle, just to walk with it. I love to live different experiences and to learn from them. Hunting is a passion that teaches you responsibility and the consequences of your actions. I grew a lot as a person by being a hunter and I still do. It is also a way to challenge myself by bringing me to places I would not have been otherwise, may they be physical locations or mental states.

!!! Vincent Prétôt - VPR 6524!!! Vincent Prétôt - hunting DSC_0523

Sustainability as a wise use of natural resources

In my understanding, sustainability means that we use the natural resources wisely regardless of the secondary needs of humans. We must protect environments and ecosystems, not only species of plants, cattle or wild game. Every layer of the system needs our respect, consideration, and protection.


Game meat is clean, healthy, and ethical

When it comes to venison, I think it is a great way to get yourself some clean, healthy, ethical meat. The animal lives a happy life. If everything goes well, it will die before even hearing the shot. I reckon there is no better way to get ethical meat than hunting.


My tip for preparing venison

Consuming sweat marmalade or apples while eating venison will highlight the meat’s aroma giving it a stronger taste.

My favorite game recipe "Sauteed Mouflon"

Hungry for more?

Stay tuned at #wild2table on our website, let yourself be inspired by this mouth-watering delicacy  or visit the Pretôt brothers’ Instagram account.

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