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Видеодостаточность: 7 мин.

Leander Khil meets Heidi Pasch de Viteri

A haven for wildlife in Guatemala

00:00 / 00:00

Meet two individuals who share their passion for birding and preserving wildlife – Leander Khil and Heidi Pasch de Viteri.

In Leander's latest vlog, Heidi talks to him about her efforts to safeguard the precious wildlife around her finca La Gracia in Guatemala. What once was a coffee plantation now gives home to a vast variety of bird species: The Lost Tinamou Natural Private Reserve. Right between these lush greens and giant ceiba trees is Heidi’s favorite birding patch.

Discover which bird species can be found in this magical place, and which might be attracted by a special dinner of home-made compost or a skewered banana.

Collared-Aracari by Leander KhilSpot-breasted-Oriole by Leander Khil
The lost Tinamou, Guatemala, Leander Khil
NL Pure 10x32 Burnt Orange
Swarovski Optik Binocular NL Pure 10x42
Leander Khil

About the Author

Leander Khil

Leander is an ornithologist, birdwatcher and wildlife photographer from Graz and now living in Vienna, Austria. Driven by his love for birds, adventure and the outdoors he travels the world since he was a child.

Web: www.leanderkhil.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/leanderkhil

Instagram: www.instagram.com/leanderkhil

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#gobirdingvlog Episode 6: Austrian Alps- Bergpieper / Water pipit by Leander Khilby Leander Khil#gobirdingvlogs Время чтения: 15 мин.