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Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojektes präsentierten 11 Studierende der FH Joanneum Graz im Juni 2022 ihre Designideen der SWAROVSKI OPTIK.Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojektes präsentierten 11 Studierende der FH Joanneum Graz im Juni 2022 ihre Designideen der SWAROVSKI OPTIK.Im Rahmen eines Kooperationsprojektes präsentierten 11 Studierende der FH Joanneum Graz im Juni 2022 ihre Designideen der SWAROVSKI OPTIK.

Cooperation with the FH Joanneum Graz

Fresh ideas & news points of view

In June 2022, 11 Master’s program students from the FH Joanneum Graz university visited SWAROVSKI OPTIK in Absam. As part of the course "Design Projektarbeit", they had the task to come up with new design ideas for observation optics. The results were presented at SWAROVSKI OPTIK after just one semester - and they exceeded all expectations.

In the run-up

It all began at the end of February 2022, when the project "SWAROVSKI OPTIK" was decided upon by the students of the Master's program Industrial Design. From then on, they tinkered, designed, discarded designs, and rethought. Of course, they did not remain completely without support. On an excursion in mid-March, for example, the students were given the opportunity to test SWAROVSKI OPTIK binoculars in the mountains of the Gesäuse National Park. This day served as inspiration for many of the students.

© FH JOANNEUM Industrial Design

More concepts followed.

fh joanneum industrial design concept sketchesfh joanneum industrial design concept sketches 02

Everything is ready

20220614 MIG5387 Isa
20220614 MIG5456 Katharina20220614 MIG5505 Yasmin
20220614 MIG5573 Thomas20220614 MIG5597

The presentations were as individual as the characters of the students. Thus, their binocular ideas emerged from personal passions, with none resembling the other.

Thinking about sustainability

In addition to functionality, a special focus in all projects was on the aspect of sustainability. In some cases, active environmental protection was also incorporated into the work.

The ideas for materials that could be used were particularly varied. For example, materials such as vegan leather (e.g. from pineapple) or rubber made from dandelions could become increasingly relevant in the future. Binocular cases made of molded wood, bags made of Lyocell and shaping materials such as oxide ceramics were also presented.

Not only materials, but also the possibility to repair all parts of the optical devices play an essential role in sustainable product design. Thus, the interchangeability of all components of the binoculars was a theme in many of the works.

Enthusiasm on all sides

After the presentations, all participants were enthusiastic about the professionalism and extraordinary creativity of the students. From feasibility to practical details, all aspects were considered. Particularly impressive were also the haptic models that were brought along for illustration.

Head of the course Dipl. Des (FH) Magnus Feil MFA praised the fact that the students had thought far beyond materials in terms of sustainability. The SWAROVSKI OPTIK Executive Board was also unanimously enthusiastic about the depth of the quality and the diversity of the works.

The SWAROVSKI OPTIK Executive Board would like to thank the students as well as Prof. Mag. Thomas Feichtner and Dipl. Des (FH) Magnus Feil MFA for this successful cooperation.

Voices on the presentations
"Thank you very much for this cooperation. We are sure that everyone involved was able to benefit from it." - Thomas Feichtner

"A big praise to everyone involved, the project management and the students. We were able to see great approaches that are worth pursuing." - Florian Schletterer

"The quality of the works made a lasting impression on us from the beginning to the end." - Andreas Gerk
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NL Pure, Peter Oettl, Dale ForbesPeter Oettl et Dale ForbesUne volonté d’invention pure Temps de lecture: 4 minutes