SWAROVSKI OPTIK regards itself as part of the cycle of give and take. We made the commitment already a long time ago not only to have as little and the least harmful impact possible on the planet, but also to actively seek opportunities where our products, skills, contacts, and financial support can really change the situation and make an improvement.
Costa Rica
Key objectives:
protecting natural habitat and supporting biodiversity on Osa peninsula in Costa Rica
scientific studies and citizen science
initiated by SWAROVSKI OPTIK
Project active since: 2023

Kazakhstan/Near and Middle East
Key objectives:
safeguard the breeding grounds with the focus on Kazakhstan
cross-border cooperation to protect the birds’ key resting places on their migration routes and their wintering grounds from India to north-east Africa
project partner: BirdLife International
Project supported since: 2008

North and South America
Canada Warbler
Key objectives:
carry out coordinated research on the Canada Warbler across its entire habitat (North and South America, the Caribbean)
acquire important knowledge and safeguard its long-term survival
project partner: BirdLife International, Associación Calidris
Project supported since: 2013

South Africa
Key objectives:
set up a network of professional Community Bird Guides throughout the whole country
provide an additional source of income for the local population
generate added value for the population by preserving important natural habitats
project partner: BirdLife South Africa
Project supported since: 2013

Batumi Raptor Count (BRC)
Key objectives:
record the numbers of raptors migrating
step up the PR and educational activities with the aim of curbing the illegal hunting of raptors
project partner: Batumi Raptor Count
Project supported from: 2011-2024

South Africa and Botswana
Rhinos without Borders
Key objectives:
translocation of 100 rhinos from South Africa to Botswana
protection from poaching helping the species survive in the wild
project partner: Great Plains Conservation, &Beyond
Project supported from: 2015 - 2024

Key objectives:
protect wild pumas in their southernmost habitat
reconcile livestock farming (cattle and sheep), tourism, and wildlife conservation
preserve the natural and cultural heritage based on harmonious coexistence among its actors, safeguarding the legacy for future generations and humanity
project partner: Cerro Guido Conservation Foundation
Project supported from: 2022 - 2023

Key objectives:
support various projects that aim for the protection of Africa’s remaining chimpanzees
give people the opportunity to safe and appreciate the natural habitats of the chimpanzees
project partner: Jane Goodall Foundation Austria
Project supported from: 2019-2022

The Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme (EWCP)
Key objective:
ensure the long-term survival of the endangered Ethiopian Wolf; this includes rabies vaccination campaigns for domestic dogs in all the adjacent settlements to prevent disease or the monitoring of wolve populations
project partner: Ethiopian Wold Conservation Programme (EWCP)
Project supported from: 2019-2022

Closed projects
Find projects we supported in the past in the list below.
Key objectives:
community support of conservation of the Snow Leopard
guide training and tours
project partner: Youth Association for Conservation and Development in Hemis National Park
Project supported from: 2013-2020
Key objective:
cooperation with local project partner on the Bulgarian-Romanian border for the conservation of a breeding colony of the Dalmatian Pelican, an until recently highly endangered bird species in Europe
project partner: Le Balkan - Bulgaria, Branta Tours
Project supported from: 1998-2021
Key objective:
support various projects that aim to prevent the illegal killing of birds
project partner: BirdLife Israel / International / Europe / Central Asia
Project supported from: 2014-2022
Key objective:
protecting wild living pumas via tracking and observing their behaviour
project partner: Fundación Cerro Guido Conservación
Project supported in: 2022
Key objective:
collar snow leopards and ibex to learn about their ecology
population suveys on ungulates like ibex, argali, and goltered gazelles
project partner: Snow Leopard Trust
Project supported from: 2022-2023
Key objectives:
conservation work on Tasmanian devils and koalas
general ecological surveys
project partner: Aussie Ark
Project supported in: 2022
Key objectives:
protecting habitat
increasing numbers of Aqzativ Warblers
project partner: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (OTOP)
Project supported from: 1992-2012
Key objective:
preventing the extremely rare Colorful Pufflegs and 16 other hummingbird species from extinction
project partner: American Bird Conservancy, Funcación ProAves
Project supported from: 2004-2006
Key objective:
obtaining land to ensure the survival of the endangered Houbara Bustard and other endangered species
project partner: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), SEO BirdLife
Project supported in: 2003
Key objective:
protecting of the worldwide largest wild-living herd of Black rhinos
project partner: Save the Rhino Trust (SRT)
Project supported from: 1999-2003
Key objective:
support the foundation of a waterschool and a visitor centre for tourists
project partner: WWF India, DSW, Keoladeo National Park
Project supported from: 2000-2006
Key objective:
supporting Eagle 72 in their efforts to protect the Golden Eagle populations in Sweden
project partner: Eagle 72
Project supported in: 1998
The Alps
Key objective:
supporting the reintroduction of Bearded Vultures in the Alps
project partner: Stiftung Pro Bartgeier
Project supported from: 1999
Key objective:
supporting the successful breeding of Hornbills
project partner: Hornbill Foundation
Project supported from: 2003-2005
Key objective:
reintroducing the endangered Waldrapp (Geronticus eremita) in Austria
project partner: Konrad Lorenz Research Station
Project supported from: 2002-2005
Key objective:
supporting SEO BirdLife in their efforts to rescue as many birds a spossible after the Prestige oil spill in 2002
project partner: SEO BirdLife
Project supported in: 2002
Key objective:
initiation of the Migratory Bird Conservation programme to rescue and protect the habitat of migratory birds in America
project partner: National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Project supported from: 1998-2002
Key objective:
supporting the WWf in their efforts to build artificial Stork nests
project partner: WWF Austria
Project supported in: 2003