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Videodauer: 1 min.

animal-loving hunter Patrick

To hunt is to protect

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Hunter, ornithologist, and ecologist Patrick @patrickdogvillage is advocating biodiversity in Hesse, Germany. He loves nature and wants to protect it.

Die Natur ist unsere Lebensgrundlage, ihre Vielfalt unser Erbe, das wir bewahren müssen.Patrick @patrickdogvillage
Man liebt nur, was man kennt und man schützt nur, was man liebt.Konrad Lorenz
Cherishing animals, protecting the environment, and hunting responsibly are all branches of the same tree.Patrick
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closer2hunting To hunt is to protect - Patrick Hundorf, Hessen EL 50 ID1313242#closer2huntingTo hunt is to protect. Lesezeit: 5 min.